This page contains the disclaimer of oc-group.com. Deze disclaimer betreft onder welk voorbehoud de informatie, op de website van OC-Group, wordt aangeboden. By using the website you agree to the disclaimer below.
Intellectual property
The use of information from the website is without obligation as long as this information is not copied, distributed or misused. The information on the OC-Group website may only be reused in accordance with mandatory law regulations. is not permitted to reuse text, photo material or other materials on the website without written permission from OC-Group. The intellectual property belongs to OC-Group.
exclusion of responsibility
OC-Group strives for a website that is as up to date as possible. The information and/or products on this website are offered without any form of warranty and/or claim to accuracy.
OC-Group reserves the right to edit, remove or repost material without prior notice. OC-Group accepts no liability for any information stated on websites referred to via hyperlinks.
In the event of a possible change to the disclaimer, the most recent version will be located on this page of oc-group.com.